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News & Stories

As a Foster Care agency, we regularly see the effects on children who have unfortunately suffered permanent health concerns caused by alcohol consumption when in utero.
We felt proud to see our logo alongside many other organisations and individuals names who submitted an open letter to the Government. The letter has been published in The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, The Mercury and Courier Mail today!
Bill due to release autobiography soon!
Our Founder, Bill Campbell has been working on his autobiography for three years. Rejected, no more is Bill's story from his time in foster care and institutions to building the William Campbell Foundation. The release date will be available soon. Watch this space for more information!

Over 600 Foster Carers needed in Australia
With over 17,000 children in Out of Home Care in Australia, it is estimated we need 600 foster carers to support the shortage of carers. We need all types of carers - short-term, emergency, restorative, adoptive, guardianship, long term, and respite foster care! Have you ever considered becoming a Foster Carer? You can read more about becoming a carer here.

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